Sunday, February 28, 2010

Restrict Your Childs Computer Use

             It can be difficult for parents to restrict their child's use of the computer. However, for many parents this has become an unavoidable eventuality, as computers have intruded to such a degree into the lives of children, that far too many youngsters are spending an unhealthy amount of time behind them.
              The word 'unhealthy', supposes a negative influence on your child's physical and mental/social development. Physical problems include a bad posture due to a poor sitting position, or deteriorating eyesight due to too much time spent looking at the screen. Mental/social problems include a feeling of alienation from the real world, and less opportunity to develop real life social skills.
               When parents first bring up the subject, that they intend to restrict when their child can use the computer, it is vital that the child is in a calm mood, and that he or she does not have ready access to a blunt instrument. The computer might well be your child's best friend in life, and any suggestion about cutting short the supply of the daily drip feed of games, chat rooms, and web surfing could lead to wild and fervent behavior from your offspring.
            Calm and empty handed, your child is being made aware that you intend to restrict their use of the computer starting from tomorrow. You know your child spends too much time on it. Perhaps your child comes home from school, buries him or her self in the bedroom, and instantly goes on the computer for a few hours. Perhaps he or she just uses it for a couple of hours a day, the session which begins 5 minutes after their bedtime. However your child misuses the computer, you have to choose the best way to restrict their use. The scenarios are numerous, but effective solutions harder to come by.
             I do know of a considerably more effective way to restrict your child on the computer. This method is sneaky-safe, and does not take withdrawal symptoms as an excuse. It is a computer control program called Chronoger; written by the acclaimed software development company SoftForYou. Inherent in the program is everything that you will need to restrict not only when your child can use the computer, but how he or she can use it too; when for doing homework, and when for entertainment.
             By installing the program onto your child's computer, you will be able to select for each day of the week when and how long your child can use the Internet, play games, enter chat programs, and use the computer as a whole. Your child will not be able to change these settings, which are protected by an administrator (parent) password.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Teach Your Child How to Use a Computer

             In this day and age, with technology on the forefront of every gadget being used in every industry in the world, having computer knowledge is more than a skillful tool to have - it's a necessity. Evidence suggests that children who learn the concept of computers have profound effects on the enhancement of their educational experience. Just as many computer programs that are offered on home systems are focused on both entertaining children and teaching them, which offers a process for teaching children without the child even realizing they are learning.

              Many researchers recommend that parents do not teach their children under three how to use a computer, as they are still mastering language concepts, their visual environment, and speaking skills. Therefore, this advice is for your preschooler who is three years old and older.
              For comfort and ease of use make sure the mouse you use fits your child's hand. The mouse should also have only one click, as opposed to the normal double-sided clicks.
               Preschoolers learn many concepts on the computer quickly. Going through the basic steps of turning on and simple use of the computer is recommended with slow communication and systematic guidelines for powering up and using the computer. "Here is the button to turn on the computer and here is the button to turn on the monitor. E Walk them through the start button, the list of programs and putting in software for games and learning. Allow preschoolers to play computer games, either online:

Or software games you can buy for your children:
Once you have shown them the mouse and the programs, give your child a little time alone to manipulate the program and learn the game, always be at arm's reach. When they are given the opportunity to play through a confined environment they will learn the concepts quicker then parents teaching them hand over hand.

Main points to address:
  • Make sure the mouse is comfortable and easy to use.
  • Speak slow and instructively, explaining every step you take.
  • Allow them time alone get to know the computer.
Grades K-6th
               Children in elementary school learn how to use a computer in the same way a preschooler will learn.
                 Children have a tendency to pick up computers and just know how to work them, but for those who don't running through the computer environment one time and explaining step-by-step where basic programs are and how they are used, especially word processing programs. Allowing the children to play around in the computer programs and experience how they work alone will teach children firsthand.
                If you are allowing your children to use the internet to learn through research or games the following websites offer both fun and educational topics:
           Children will have fun learning on the computer and the great thing about the computer is most of the time children hardly even know they are gaining educational skills.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Computer Use Improves School Readiness

                Here's good news: Recent research suggests computer use among preschool children may actually improve their readiness for school and academic achievement.
              In one study of 122 preschoolers enrolled in a rural Head Start program*, children in the experimental group were given the opportunity to work on a computer for 15-20 minutes per day with their choice of developmentally appropriate educational software, while the kids in the control (non-computer) group received a standard Head Start curriculum.
           All children in the study took four standardized tests at the beginning of the study and six months later to assess their school readiness, visual motor skills, gross motor skills and cognitive development.
            The children who worked on a computer performed better on measures of school readiness and cognitive development than the children without computers. Also, kids who did computer work both at home and at school performed better than kids who worked at a computer only at school.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eye health and computer screens

             As technology plays an ever more prominent role in our daily lives, the subject of eye health and computer usage is becoming increasingly important.
                  According to the London Hazards Centre, surveys of people working at a computer screen for more than six hours a day have found that over 70 per cent (and up to 91 per cent) experience visual problems. In addition, a report published by the University of California's Berkeley School of Optometry has claimed that as many as 30 per cent of American schoolchildren are "causing undue stress on their eyes by using the computer too much", and it went on to claim a link between premature mypoia and computer use.
            Extensive research has found no evidence that VDUs can cause disease or permanent damge to your eyes. However, long spells of VDU work can lead to tired eyes and discomfort. You and your employer can reduce this risk by ensuring your VDU is well positioned, properly adjusted, and that the workplace lighting is suitable. Short, frequent breaks are the best option. A five to ten minute break after an hour or so of work is about right. Although computer usage has not been conclusively shown to cause permanent damage to healthy eyes, there is evidence to suggest that small vision defects that don't cause symptoms in everyday life may start to cause problems when carrying out more visually demanding tasks. In other words, computer screen use could exacerbate existing conditions that you may be unaware of. This is one reason why regular eye tests are so important, as early detection of vision impairment greatly decreases the chance of further damage.
           Of the visual problems reported by users, the most common are eyestrain, double vision, temporary short-sightedness and visual fatigue. The term eyestrain alone can cover a range of symptoms, including irritation, soreness, photosensitivity and general tiredness.
          The causes vary, but the most common are a fault in the focusing of the eye, poor eye coordination, badly positioned equipment and documents, screen glare, inadequate lighting and perhaps also infrequent maintenance of equipment.
            Some of the causes easily be eliminated, for example by fitting a screen filter to cut down on glare. But one of the most effective ways of looking after your eyes is simply to stop for regular brief breaks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Computer & Eye Problems

                The main reason people suspect that there is a connection between eye damage and computer monitors, is due to the high number of users who report eye problems. According to the London Hazards Centre, 71 to 90 percent of people who stare at a computer screen for more than six hours a day suffer from eye problems of one sort or another. The centre also reported a growing number of eye issues among children who are spending an increasing amount of time in front of computer VDUs.

Eye Damage Research
Several studies have been conducted on the potential for long-term eye damage caused by excessive computer use. The good news is that no connection between the two has ever been discovered. Most of the eye problems experienced by avid computer users are related to eye strain and not eye damage. Thankfully, eye strain is preventable.

Eye Strain Symptoms
Eye strain actually is a broad term that can include a wide range of different types of symptoms. The most common include eye fatigue, which is a feeling of soreness or heaviness in the eyes similar to what you might experience if you were very sleepy. A burning feeling around your eyes may also be experienced. Additionally, eye strain symptoms can include vision blurring or doubling and eye watering. Along with the symptoms associated with the eye itself, many people who suffer from eye strain also have headaches, which can range from mild discomfort through to painful migraines.

Causes of Eye Strain
The good news is that eye strain is largely preventable because it has little to do with the computer VDUs themselves. The lighting in the environment is usually the real culprit. When the lighting is brighter around the computer screen than on the screen, for example, eye strain may result. Direct glare from lighting on the ceiling or from sunlight coming through a window or even refracting glare caused by the light hitting the computer VDU can lead to this problem Some studies also suggest poor visual quality might also lead to eye strain, possibly because people have to focus more to see what is being displayed.

Corrective Lenses & Computer VDUs
Some statistics suggest that staring too long at a computer screen can cause incidents of nearsightedness in people. However, that is a classic case of what statisticians refer to as "correlation not causation." While it may be true that people who use a computer for long periods of time may have a higher incident rate of nearsightedness than those who do not, the case is most likely that using the computer helps people realize they have existing vision problems. For example, if they have to make the font bigger to read website content or if they need to use a larger font to read what they are typing, this might suggest a need for an eye examination for the first time in years thus resulting in the diagnosis.
               One point that does seem to be true is that people who wear bifocals tend to have physical discomfort after using VDUs for a long time. That's because they need to be in uncomfortable positions to view the screen correctly in many cases. This can cause back and neck strain on top of the possibility of eye strain.
               Although computer VDUs are sometimes blamed for eye damage, the research does not support such a connection. What has been found is that eye strain is the real problem most people are suffering from as a result of overusing their computers. Eye strain can be prevented by making small environmental changes. For example, lighting changes, such as reducing the brightness for ambient lighting and making sure there are no glares on the computer screen.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ASUS Eee PC 1005HA-PU1X-BK 10.1-Inch Black Netbook Review

              Ah, the granddaddy of netbooks, the Eee PC. Asus were the pioneer of this small form factor portable computer. Thankfully the 7inch screens from the first models have had a few upgrades since then. This newer 10 inch size, gives a little more to those who don't have teeny-weeny hands and don't want to wear binoculars to see tiny text on screen.
             Apart from the awful, almost unpronounceable name, this computer provides a huge range of features, in a package that is small enough to drag around anywhere and with a battery life long enough to last for an entire day.
Here's some of the main features:
  • Intel Atom CPU
  • 1GB memory
  • 160GB hard drive
  • 10 inch screen with 1024 x 768 resolution
  • Built-in webcam and microphone
  • LAN, Wifi and Bluetooth
  • 2.81 lbs
               The styling is good. So no childish looks from this mini-performer. The screen provides enough size for webpage viewing, although sometimes requiring left to right scrolling. For desktop use I'd recommend an extra monitor as it's easier to view. The VGA port will connect to almost any monitor, but some monitors no longer have VGA ports, so check first.
1GB of memory is just right.
               160GB hard drive is fine, but I'd prefer a smaller solid state drive instead. There is an extra 10GB of online storage offered, but this strikes me as gimmicky, I would much rather they provided a subscription to one of the big online storage firms. I just don't know how much to trust their in-house offering as Asus are a hardware company.
                Networking is a critical component for netbooks that, by their very name, are designed to be online. Fast Ethernet is the staple of office networks, and Wifi 802.11n allows faster wireless speeds on networks that support it. Bluetooth is also included and will connect to Bluetooth microphones and stereo headphones.
              The Asus Eee PC just can't really go very wrong. The important part is that there are no important features missing. The blue Samsung netbook is $50 cheaper than this computer, but has less battery life, so weight up what is most important to you.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is a Computer?

                   We are all familiar with what a computer is in a specific, contemporary sense. Personal computers are found in most aspects of daily life, and for some it is hard to even imagine a world without them. But the term computer means more than simply the Macs and PCs we are familiar with. A computer is, at its most basic, a machine which can take instructions, and perform computations based on those instructions.
              It is the ability to take instructions - often known as programs in the parlance of computers - and execute them, that distinguishes a computer from a mechanical calculator. While both are able to make computations, a calculator responds simply to immediate input. In fact, most modern calculators are actually computers, with a number of pre-installed programs to help aid in complex tasks.
        Computers range from the very small to the very large. Some are capable of doing millions of calculations in a single second, while others may take long periods of time to do even the most simple calculations.
           As prevalent as personal computers are, they do not nearly begin to scratch the surface of computer use in our world. Interactive devices of all sorts contain their own computers. Cellular telephones, GPS units, portable organizers, ATM machines, gas pumps, and millions of other devices all make use of computers to streamline their operations, and to offer features which would be impossible without a computer.
             A computer like this is often referred to as an embedded computer. An embedded computer is differentiated from a personal computer because it is essentially static in its function. While a personal computer, or some cellular telephones, or some personal organizers are able to have new software installed, and make use of a wide range of features, an embedded computer usually has only a few purposes, which are relatively fixed once the computer is manufactured.
                Embedded systems vary in the amount of change that can happen to them after production. An MP3 player, for example, is an embedded computer, but can have quite a bit of interaction and changes made to it. It may allow the user to alter the colors used, change the clock, update firmware, and change the songs or playlists in memory. An embedded computer within a traffic light, to take another example, is probably quite fixed. It is set to respond to a few certain programs - time of day, a trigger when a car approaches, and perhaps input from a central database in the case of more advanced systems. These programs are not built for interactivity, and will likely never be changed over the system's life.
               The computer is one of the most powerful innovations in human history. With the use of computers, people are suddenly able to perform a staggering amount of computations at dazzling speeds.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why do we use Computers in Railway Stations?

                 Railway is such a bigger network in the whole world that its too dificult to maintain it before the introduction of PC in railway's, Computer along with networking or internet made it so easy to keep track of the inforamtion such as the number of trian, the respective train name, number of seats in first, second and general class, the number of seats avilable on a particular date, what is the present status of a ticket using its PNR number, to book ticets form anywhere with the help of e- ticket and i-ticket introduced by the railways rahter than to stand in a Q, the computer made the life easy for the Railways to keep the information abt the traveler and loads on a fashionable and easy manner. Rahter than to stand in a Q, the computer made the life easy for the Railways to keep the information abt the traveler and loads on a fashionable and easy manner....The reason for computer is it take lotto book tickets and printer tickets and make online reservations...Railway is such a bigger network in the whole world that its too dificult to maintain it before the introduction of PC in railway

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dell Inspiron 545 Desktop PC with 22-Inch Monitor Review

A powerful desktop computer with a big hard drive and large monitor thrown in for good measure.
           For a full desktop computer this system from Dell doesn't look too bad. There have been complaints about the pricing of Dell desktop computers being a little high compared to the offerings from the other big boys in the home computer market. But his model fights back with a whole lot for under $700.
Here's a bunch of numbers:
  • 2.6GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 CPU  
  • 6GB memory 
  • 640GB hard drive
  • DVD writer 
  • 6 USB ports 
  • 22-inch monitor, 1920 x 1080 resolution
  • Windows 7
                Let's just start off by saying that this is not the fastest or newest processor out there, however it is more than enough for most intensive programs. Graphics programs will have no problem, although heavy games that need powerful graphics cards will have a hard time.
                One interesting thing is a review on CNET that pointed to this computer being low on the value scale and not matching up to its near competition.
                   With the price lower than their review and the 22-inch model thrown in for good measure it at least measures up to similar models in terms of pricing and has a more reasonable amount of memory at 6GB. The speed increase from 4GB upwards is not worth the money most of the time.
                  Hidden behind the shiny black front cover is a DVD writer and a media unit for plugging in the myriad of memory cards gathered from various home electronics.
                  One of the biggest upsides to the whole deal is the great monitor. Quite often 22-inch monitors still don't support 1920 x 1080, which I think should be the absolute minimum specification for this sort of machine. So it's not just a cheap add-in to pick up sales of the main machine, it really is a worthwhile addition to the set.
    Note that the system does include mouse and keyboard, although not pictured above.
    Big, high-resolution monitor 
    Ample memory 
    Big hard drive 
    Decent speed

      Thursday, February 18, 2010

      Choose A Computer System Before Purchas

                 If you are looking to buy a computer, there are several factors to consider. Will it be used for your home, your office or perhaps even your home office combo? First off, you will need to set a budget for your new purchase before deciding whether to shop for notebook or desktop computers.
       While you are shopping around, it's important to keep in mind some of the benefits that go along with owning different types of computers. This article provides five important reasons to purchase desktop computers.

      I- Desktop computers are typically much more affordable than notebook computers. With notebooks, you are paying more for the convenience of portability. For as little as $299.00, desktop computers can be purchased from one of the leading manufacturers and a notebook computer for as little as $499.00.

      II- Unlike notebook computers, replacing a keyboard, mouse, speakers or even a monitor does not require having your computer serviced by a professional repair shop. Because notebook computers have everything built in, including the aforementioned features, it is more difficult to replace a keyboard or monitor as opposed to desktop computers, which operate on external connections.
      III- In the event of an unlawful entry into your home, desktop computers are not as likely to be stolen because of their weight and bulk. Notebook computers, on the other hand, are small and portable. This, alone, makes them more appealing to a thief than desktop computers.
      IV- Desktop computers are stationary by nature. Unlike a notebook computer, which can easily be moved from room to room, they are less likely to be dropped or broken because they are not moved as often.
      V- The vents on desktop computers are located on the back of the tower, which allows for proper ventilation that will help to prevent the computer from overheating. Notebook computers, on the other hand, feature only one vent on the back with the remaining underneath the base. If placed on a table, the air vents can become blocked and the computer may overheat. If prolonged use leads to overheating, damage may result.
                       When choosing from the many desktop computers on the market, always make sure that you purchase from a manufacturer who has experience in creating computers. Even though they are more affordable than notebooks, desktop computers are not cheap. With an investment that involves several hundred dollars, you will want to consider the length of time the manufacturer has been in business, their reputation with customers and their warranty.
                    Additionally, when choosing any system, including desktop computers, always look at the potential for future upgrading. As you grow, you will want your computer to grow with you and a part of that will include a slight upgrade from time to time. This is the only way to get the best use of your desktop computers and make sure that your investment is one that lasts for years to come.

      Wednesday, February 17, 2010

      Using computers in schools

                    Nowadays every school has to have computers. I don't refer to legal requirement but to perception. Schools are judged on how many computers they have. It would be more to the point if they were judged on their computer-savvy.
                     I'm a fan of computers; my computer is a vital part of my work. I believe computer literacy is as important for our children to acquire as any other "basic skill". But I'm not a fan of the wholesale introduction of computers into our schools, particularly the junior ones. How many computers a school has is not the issue - the issue is, how do they use them?
      In many cases, the answer is: poorly.
      The reasons are simple enough. Foremost, the teachers have insufficient training and experience with computers. Relatedly, computers are not yet an integrated part of the school curriculum, and every school and teacher re-invents the wheel, trying to find good software, trying to work out how to fit it into the classroom curriculum, trying to work out schedules to make sure every student gets a fair go, struggling with the lack of technical support. And of course, in many cases (perhaps most), the computers are old, with the associated problems of being more likely to have technical problems, being slow, limited in memory, incompatible with current software, and so on.
      The most important problems schools have with computers: 
      • lack of financial resources (to buy enough computers, up-to-date computers, enough printers and other peripherals, licenses for good software, technical support)
      • the inability of teachers to know how to use the computers effectively
      • difficulty in integrating computers into the school / classroom curriculum (problems of use, of scheduling, of time)
                   Using computers effectively is much more than simply being able to type an essay or produce a graph. Parents and educators who deplore the obsession with computers in schools see computers as eroding children's basic skills and knowledge, because they only see computers being used as copy-and-paste and making-it-pretty devices. But computers have potential far beyond that.

      Tuesday, February 16, 2010

      Computers in schools why we need them?

                           The explosion in information technology is reshaping the way the world is doing business, pleasure pursuits and gaining education. We are at a new cross roads in the history of the Industrial Age, we are at the beginning of the Information Age. The creation of wealth in these days is dependent on a new way of doing business. It depends on the processing of information to gain the maximum leverage over competition by obtaining the best information out of data and by being the most adapt at gaining efficiency and high quality products and services through the utilisation of computer technology.
                      In the field of education the use of computers brings a two edge advantage. The first, will be throughout the exposure of the future working generations to the latest in technology. They become familiar with the technology and are not afraid to experiment and learn what is new. The second edge will be through the actual use of the computers in the learning process.
      The following is a list of uses of computers in the learning process:

      Computer aided learning is becoming more widely used in teaching both in Universities and schools.

      Modern sciences and technologies which are dependent on the use of computers such as

      Geographic Information Systems



      Desk top publishing

      As a mean of gathering data such is through World Wide Web, newsgroups and Email.
      As a communication medium with other scholars and the rest of the world.

      Monday, February 15, 2010

      How Are Computers Used As Tools For Children?

                              Computers are an every day necessity for individuals and businesses. In the modern hustle and bustle of life, few individuals can imagine life without a computer. Computers are also used in school settings, making computer use for children more prevalent than computer use for adults. Children use computers for more than just school, however. With computers all around, children use computers as a tool in many aspects of life.
      1. Computer Use Basics
                     In 2001 two-thirds of Americans were using computers. More surprising still is the fact that computer and Internet use is more widespread among children and adolescents than among adults. The National Center for Education Statistics found that approximately 90 percent of children ages 5 to 17 use computers and 59 percent use the Internet.

      2. Computers for School and Homework
                     More children use computers for schoolwork than for anything else. The use of a computer is an important tool for children to finish homework and to do work at school. In addition, many children learn the basics of the computer while at school. Using a computer allows children to type homework assignments, look up facts on the Internet and make presentations for classroom assignments.

      3. Computers for Fun and Games
                     Older children and younger children love to use the computer for fun and games. Parents have found that the Internet provides many options for very young children to learn better hand-eye coordination and have fun while doing it. Websites like have dozens of games for children of all ages. Older children also play advanced games on the computer as well as on the Internet.

      4. Computers for Communication
                        While the National Center for Education Statistics found that email is the most popular activity for adults, they found that email and instant messaging are also popular among children. Children keep in contact with their peers and family members through email and instant messaging. Younger children use email as a tool with the help of parents while older children are likely to use these applications without assistance.

      5. Conclusion
                           Children use computers in many different ways. Most often, children use computers for schoolwork, games and communication. While parents may be nervous about their children's Internet use, with proper supervision computers can be a great tool for children of all ages.

      Friday, February 12, 2010

      AMD Athlon64 FX-60 Dual Core Processor

                   Dual core processors have already made their way into the high end word station and server market in a big way, but have been slower to crack into the consumer market and are often relegated to those looking to upgrade to very fancy machinery.
                  One of the factors that comes into play is that much of the software available just doesn't take advantage of this technology, whereas high performance systems have had it for a little while now.
                  With the release of 64-bit windows and now video card manufacturers making their cards capable of utilising multi-core processors and hopefully soon, gaming software to support it dual-core processors are coming into their own, slowly, but surely.
                   AMD and Intel take quite different routes to doing the dual-core processor thing, which can be read about in the article at pastas. Both are bitter rivals, plugging away at their own technology to get as much as they can from their processors.
                   AMD has introduced Cool 'n' Quiet technology which effectively clocks a processor down when it is not being used heavily, so its clock speeds are lower. When the computer starts using more resources the clock speeds and voltages are returned closer to their normal levels, until they reach normal levels somewhere near 100% system demand.
                  The processor beats out the Pentium D 840 in all of the system tests that are performed and does so using less power, which is of great concern to those running hundreds of computers in a corporate environment, but probably less to most home users.
                  64 bit operating system and software also made a big difference, allowing even faster speeds with this new technology.

      Wednesday, February 10, 2010

      Dell Super Fast Optiplex Computer With LCD Flat Panel Monitor Review

                        Refurbished computers are a great way to get a whole lot of older technology for a discount price. The computer itself has been done up to catch up with the times a little and make it a little more marketable. No cutting edge technology here, but the price is pretty good.
      This refurbished desktop computer comes in at around $225. The system includes:
      • 17″ monitor 
      • 2.8GHz Pentium 4 processor 
      • 1GB memory 
      • 40GB hard drive
      • Fast Ethernet 
      • 8 x USB 
      • CD drive 
      • Windows XP                   
                       The Pentium 4 chips are around 7 years old. They use more power than modern processors but won't get too hot unless over clocked. My work computer is a 2.4GHz Pentium 4 and at home I still have a 2.0GHz for my main computer. And they are fine, memory upgrades, which this computer includes as standard, are the only change I've made in the past few years.
                    The hard drive is on the small side. But then again all the data on my own computer wouldn't fill that up. For surfing the web, simple games and doing some documents it's more than enough. You'll run out of space fairly quickly if you are saving DVDs to your hard drive though. Fortunately you won't be able to save any DVDs to the hard drive because the standard drive is a CD drive only.
                    The 17″ monitor will do. The resolution will display any web pages at full width, but not leave too much room for anything else on the screen.
                    The 1GB of memory is enough. With Windows XP, even a whole bunch of applications won't fill that up very quick. The system will not handle a huge amount of multi-tasking, so keep programs running in the background to a minimum.
                  Fast Ethernet for network connectivity is good, eight USB ports allow easy extension and Windows XP works just fine most of the time, just remember to upgrade to service pack 3. Includes mouse, keyboard and speakers.

                      Tuesday, February 9, 2010

                      Uses of Computers in Education

                                           With the advent of the Internet age, all aspects of society have been influenced, including education. Computers and the Internet are used in all levels of education, excluding perhaps preschool and grade school. But with more computer-like educational toys such as the Leapfrog, even younger students are learning with computers.
                      Higher Education
                      1. All universities and colleges in the United States are furnished with computer labs. Because many professors require their students to turn in typed documents, it is more convenient to have computer labs on campus for student use.
                      Faculty Usage
                      2. Teachers at all levels use computers to administer assignments, keep track of grades or offer online instruction. Many teachers use online resources in their daily lessons.
                      Online Education
                      3. There is an entire "sub-industry" of education called "online education." Online education is done primarily through the usage of computers and the Internet where the student does the class work from home.
                      4. In addition to books, video and other materials, self-directed learners often use computers to continue their education outside of, or in addition to, traditional facilities.
                      Social Networking
                      5. Popular networking sites like MySpace and Face book can also be used for educational purposes, as some instructors integrate aspects of those sites into their lessons.

                      Monday, February 8, 2010

                      Uses the Computers and maintained Records of in school

                      School Administration 
                      • Records of students(personal, academic, financial) 
                      • Records of employees of school
                      • Accounts of the institution
                      • Decision making process 
                      • Aid to memory with minimum paper work 
                      • Eye on current regulations of government and affiliating school boards and related authorities 
                      • School canteen for billing 
                      • Fees collection and maintenance of fees record. 
                      • Circulation of instruction/notices and getting it in printed form
                      • Preparation of school magazine.
                          • Documents stored as soft copy for students/faculty members use
                          • Online magazines , journals, brochures , research articles
                          • Records of the books/record of the books maintained using special library software.
                          • Records of the issues and returns of the books.

                          Testing and Evaluation process 
                          • Keeping records of students for their academic scores 
                          • Keeping records in relation to personal history 
                          • Creating question bank for students 
                          • Using computers for testing by asking questions from question bank 
                          • Online Testing and Evaluation 
                          • Analysis and interpretation of the data 
                          • Previous year Question papers and sample papers using web sites. 
                            Guidance purposes 
                            • With reference to collective records of the students maintained year wise, stored in computers 
                            • Testing for aptitude, interest, psychology using computer data bases and internet.
                            • Learning:

                              • Collecting notes /pictures/videos from web pages for detailed information and projects/assignments.
                              • Saving the documents as soft copy for future use
                              • Learning through animations, as they are much near to the students
                              • E-books/online libraries/online encyclopedias help to guide in minutes and save precious time and resources.
                              • Creating videos using images, albums for better power point slides.
                              • Simulated Learning gives them an idea of the real situation.
                              • Publication of pamphlet/brochures for awareness with institution and among community members.

                            Saturday, February 6, 2010

                            Computers can offer several major benefits

                               Computers can offer several major benefits when employed for educational purposes. They provide an easy access to vast stores of information and knowledge, which would require us normally to sift through enormous volumes of libraries and simply compact it for us at our finger tips. Some benefits may be enumerated as follows :-
                            1) For research purposes and to collect secondary data.
                            2) for tabulating and organizing data.
                            3) For using various design applications.
                            4) For documenting and writing reports on office applications.
                            5) for analyzing data and developing graphical representations.
                            6) For connecting with people on different forums and newsgroups in order to share experiences and gather data.

                            Friday, February 5, 2010

                            Black Hawk XR5 Quad Core Super Notebook

                            blackhawkxr5[1].jpg             PC Micro Works Corporation has announced their new Black Hawk XR5 Quad Core Super Notebook. It is the first mobile product that will run a pair of the powerful 512MB Ge Force Go 8800GTX in SLI mode. It comes with 17-inch HD WUXGA (1920 x 1200) display equipped with Crystal Vision technology and a custom carbon fiber top with automotive gloss protective coating. The Black Hawk XR5 will be shipped out this December while pricing is still unavailable this moment.
                            • 17″ HD WUXGA (1920 x 1200) display with Crystal Vision technology
                            • Custom carbon fiber top with automotive gloss protective coating
                            • Support for up to 4GB RAM
                            • Support for either EV-DO or HSDPA wireless access
                            • Integrated Media Card Receiver
                            • DVI port, 4 USB ports, 1 Firewire port

                            Thursday, February 4, 2010

                            Importance of Computer Education

                                          Computer education is extremely important. Computers are an integral part of life and so is computer education. Computer education has become the need of the day.
                                       As computers are a daily utility, they have gained immense importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing utility has made computer education the need of the day.
                                       By computer education, we mean, gaining the know-how of the basic concepts related to a computer and gaining the basic knowledge of computer operation. Knowing about the basic components of a computer, the basic concepts behind the use of computers and the know-how of some of the elementary computer applications constitutes computer education. Learning about the computer basics followed by a practical experience of using a computer is the key to computer education. As computers are widely used today, acquiring computer education is the need of the modern times.
                                         Computers are not only storage devices and processing units, but also are excellent communication media. They are the means to access the Internet and get connected to the world. They are also an effective audio-visual media. Computers can be used to access a vast knowledge base and search for information archives over the Internet. Only computer education can facilitate the use of computers for purposes of communication and entertainment.
                                          Computer knowledge coupled with certain other job skills increases one's chances of getting a job. Those with knowledge of computers are considered trainable for many kinds of jobs. As most of the jobs involve the use of computers, computer education is an eligibility criterion for almost all of the modern-day jobs. Higher education involving network administration, hardware maintenance or software skills open doors for brighter job opportunities.
                                          Computer education helps one manage one's own business assets and personal finances. Computers serve as efficient means for management of information. Personal financial assets, medical records and important documents can be stored in an electronic format in a computer system. Today, banking transactions and payments of bills can be done over the Internet. Similarly, online shopping is becoming widely popular. To be in the race, it is very important to take computer education.