Saturday, January 30, 2010

Computer Sets to Get More Stylish

           Personal computers have come a long way from dull grey boxes made by IBM to ultra-trendy systems like Voodoo Envy, Dell XPS One or Sony Vaio. Unfortunately, average mainstream personal computers still cannot boast with extravagant design, but that is going to change next year, we believe.
                 PCs are now "good enough" for almost any task that a typical end-user might want to run. It will be hard, if possible at all, for computer manufacturers to sell mainstream personal computers by advertising higher-performance microprocessors, larger storage or more capable graphics cards. As a result, many of large PC suppliers as well as significant local computer makers will put a lot of emphasis on making trendy personal computers.
             Besides fashionable design, the new PCs are likely to become smaller in 2009 overall as end-users now value desk space more than ever.
          Since there are many standard PC form-factors as well as a wide variety of components available on the market, it will not be hard for PC manufacturers to roll-out stylish and small form-factor systems with decent performance, feature-set and at price-points affordable enough for mainstream market. It is noteworthy that all such systems will either feature micro ATX, ITX or proprietary main board form-factors, but not BTX, which appears to be not popular at all.
                  At present only pretty expensive mobile PCs use truly high-quality materials, such as anodized aluminum, wood, carbon fiber and so on. While we would not expect to find those materials on mainstream systems, as consumers are cutting their spending, high-end PCs with a touch of wood or carbon fiber will get a little more affordable for sure. At the same time, computer makers who offer customers to choose artwork on their mobile systems now, such as Dell or Hewlett Packard, are also likely to advertise this option more aggressively.
              In fact, we would expect high-profile design studios to tap the PC space with their designs. Porsche Design has already created a monitor for Samsung Electronics, Armani Casa is working with Samsung on HDTV line and chances are that we are going to see PCs created by the greatest artists on the planet.
             It is interesting to note that Asustek Computer and Intel Corp. have launched web-site in a bid to find out preferences of end-users as well as their design ideas. This is an important indicator that computer developers do understand the future of PCs as well as want to understand specific needs of customers.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The fastest PC in the world

Intel Core i7-powered PC  is the fastest PC in the world

Though the price tag is around £4,000, it's, indeed, the fastest PC in the world. With Intel's new Core i7-965 Extreme Edition, the YoYotech Fi7epower MLK161 has been developed keeping one purpose in mind and it is to break the world record in the benchmark that many believe is actually metric of overall CPU performance.
          The Core i7's Hyper Threading feature shows that a minimum of 8GB of quite expensive high performance DDR3 memory is there. But the novel triple-channel layout makes system pack 2GB plus 1GB per channel for a total of 9GB. Thus, the face value cost of the CPU and memory is around £2,000.
              It has 2GB of ultra fast GDDR5 memory and 1TB spinning-disk storage from Samsung. HIS Radeon HD 4870X2 graphics card and two of AMD's awesome RV770 graphics processors have also been packed.
              The Asus P6T motherboard is another highlight and aside from CPU, the Fi7epower most attractive feature is the £400 Intel X25-M solid-state drive. Though it's only of 80GB, it's at least ten times better than a conventional rotating hard drive. It is silent and hardly uses power to boast its stunning fast read speeds.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Computer are part of our everyday lives

computer_parent_helping_guiding_child_cropped.jpg Teaching tool for computer use in itself- Students have to be prepared for computer used in their future lives, ie develop easiness in dealing with both software and hardware tools. The former includes word processing, and dealing with spreadsheets, databases as well as graphics applications that they are likely to encounter at their future work place

hdmi_compatible_lcd_pc_from_benq.jpg Teaching tool for the development of intellectual and thinking skills- Computers may be used for interactive games and real world simulations ie. Interdisciplinary comprehensive explorations that cannot be provided by any medium other than the computer

cbtscreenshoot_eolsen.jpgTraining tool for repetitive tasks- This includes the use of drill and practice programmes in the fields of reading, grammar, or simple arithmetic. This also includes solving equations, studying irregular verbs, learning vocabulary in a foreign language, spelling, recalling historical dates, etc

Computer game.jpg Gaming tool- Computers are used for games, especially in primary education where a playful approach to computers helps students prepare for future computer use and stimulates their creativity and imagination

teacher computer.gif Teacher tool- Teachers themselves may use computers for administration tasks, production of documents, and the creation of lessons. This includes keeping of records, manipulating information, producing individual letters to parents or a class newsletter, creating customized follow-up work for lessons, making personalized certificates of achievement, creating student lists or name tags, etc

computer_lab.jpg Research tool- Computers are used to provide students with access to information on the Internet. The Internet facilitates gathering data for class projects, taking online excursions to travel reports and photos from various countries, reading work written by other students, following up on current news and issues, reading fiction, taking virtual field trips to institutions such as museums on the Internet, etc
qnext_intro.jpg Communication tool- The use of computers in the classroom helps students get used to email and it facilitates communication among students, teachers, etc both within class and outside of class, They learn to communicate via Internet be it by emailing with another class working on similar subjects/projects, especially if a school network exists, or be it by consulting an expert or another "significant person" on issues that arise during coursework

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fifth Generation Computers

                     Fifth generation computers involve the concept of Artificial Intelligence which made the computer think like human beings This generation uses SLSI technology (Super Large Scale Integration). The intelligence of these computers have been improved to make logical and sensible decisions just like a human brain.
                 It is not very clear what direction the fifth generation will take. It is estimated that in future we will see this generation, although nothing has been said about it.
· The technological advancements in the field of voice recognition, virtual reality, Internet and e-mail, optical disks, and fibre-optic networks.
· Artificial intelligence gave birth to intelligent machines having a response according to the conditions around them.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fourth Generation Computers (1971-present)

fourth_generatoin.jpg                Fourth generation computers were developed after 1970 used Microprocessors on a silicon chip. A microprocessor performs all the functions in a Computer. This made computers very fast, efficient and smaJ.ler in size. The fourth generation Computers uses VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology
           Mini Computer, Main Frame Computer, Personal Computer (PC) are the computers of this generation.
           The significant distinction of the Fourth Generation is the development of large-scale integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI).
1. LSI placed several thousand transistors onto a single chip.
2. Microprocessors were introduced during this time that is used in today's computers.
3. No air-conditioning.
4. Minimal maintenance.
5. High component density.
6. Cheapest.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Third Generation Computers (1965-1971)

            Third generation computer was developed after 1960. They used Integrated Circuits (ICs) which increased the speed of processing and the storage capacity.
             Computer of this generation had multiprogramming facility. IBM, IBM 370, NAV 7500 etc., were some of the third generation Computers.
           The Third Generation 'of computers included improvements in machine hardware along with software, the computer programs, designed to make machine work.
1.These machines used Integrated Circuits (IC's)
2. Monitors and keyboards were introduced for data input and output.
3. At first only about 10 components could be integrated:
4.Even smaller size
5.Even lower heat generation
6.Less power required
7.Even more reliable
8.Faster still
9.Initially, problems with manufacture.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Second Generation Computers (1959-1965)

pc5160.jpg            Second Generation Computers. used a solid state device called transistor in the place of Vacuum tubes
             All these machines were much faster and more reliable than their earlier versions.
            The transistors formed the basis or Second Generation of computers.
1. Use transistors as electronic component.
2. Smaller size
3. Less heat generated
4. More reliable
5. Faster
6. Air-conditioning required
7. Maintenance

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Generation Computers (1951-1959)

ourg15bt[1].jpg            Computers invented and used between 1940 & 1955 are first Generation computers. Vacuum tubes were used in these computers). The speed of these computers was very slow and storage system was very small.
           The first general purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) and was built by, John Mauchley, and J.Presper Eckert.
             The First Generation of computers started in 1951. General features of these computers were :
1. Electronic circuitry used vacuum tubes.
2. Punched cards used to input information.
3. Magnetic tapes used for external storage.
4. Human operators had to set switches.
5. Large-size
6. Generated heat.
7. Air Conditioning required
8. Unreliable
9. Constant maintenance

Friday, January 15, 2010

Generation of Computers

computer[1].jpg               The evolution of computing devices did proceed, although slowly. It took a lot of time to build a full-fledged computer. Since the 1940s, advances in computers have come. rapidly.
                 The general trend during the evolution of computers has been faster processing, smaller size, more storage capacity, and lower cost. We typically look at modern computer development in terms- of generations.
         Depending on the advancement of the technology the generation of computers is classified into 5 generations.
First Generation Computers (1951-1959)
Second Generation Computers (1959-1965)
Third Generation Computers (1965-1971)
Fourth Generation Computers (1971-present)
Fifth Generation Computers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

History Of Computers

            The history of a Computer starts with the development of a device called "Abacus" by the Chinese around 5000 years ago.., It was a wooden frame with rows of wires and beads. This was used for the systematic calculation of arithmetic operations. This calculating device was manual or non-automatic.
              Blaise Pascal invented 'Pascaline' in 1642, which was able to perform only addition and subtraction. He developed 'Ratchet Device' which is similar to a scooter speedometer.
           An English Mathematician Charles Babbage proposed 'Differential Engine' in 1821 to compute the table of numbers. In 1833, he proposed 'Analytical Engine'. It had some features of modern computers .. So Charles Babbage is known as the "Father of Modern Computer".
           Ada Augusta was the first programmer, w 0 designed programs for Babbage's Analytical engine.
           'Herman Hollerith' invented punched card tabulating machine. He was also the founder of IBM (International Business Machine)in 1924.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Parts of Computer System

The two essential parts of computer system is

1) HARDWARE:-The physical parts of a computer which has a definite shape and size, which you can see, touch and feel, is known as hardware. It includes the mechanical and electronic parts of a computer system. Eg. Monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU, Printer, Scanner etc., hardware[1].jpg 
2) SOFTWARE:-Software of a computer cannot be seen. A set of instructions given to the computer to carry out A function IS called a program. A group of programs is called Software. Software makes the hardware of a computer to work. Without software computer is a dead pile of lead software2[1].gif

Monday, January 11, 2010

Difference between RAM and ROM

RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is also a part of computer local memory where the computer stores the data and instructions it receives from input devices and also stores the results after a calculation.
         RAM is a Temporary memory or Volatile memory. It means when the computer is switched off all the information will be lost. RAM requires very less time to retrieve data and is considered to be the fastest memory.

ROM( Read Only Memory)
         ROM stores a set of instructions permanently, which instructs the computer, how to work. Some variation of this type of memory is PROM known as Programmable Read Only Memory where the flexibility of data alteration is possible.
          The basic difference between ROM and RAM is ROM is permanent memory and RAM is temporary memory. The speed of retrieving data is slow in ROM as compared to RAM.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Types of Memories

Mainly there are 2 types of memories used in a computer. They are
1. Primary Memory ( RAM &ROM)
2. Secondary Memory ( Hard Disk, Floppy, CD-ROM, Tape Drive)

: Main storage or immediate access storage, which is a part of the central processing unit.
       It is called primary memory because it is like human memory. It is able to store data randomly, which can be recalled whenever it is required. The computer can retrieve any item of data or any instructions stored in primary memory at lightening speed.

2. SECONDARY Memory:Auxiliary memory storage or backing storage, which is external to the central processing memory.
           These are known as external or auxiliary memory. These are the devices that hold lot of information, which may be transferred for use during processing as and when required, and for storing As compared to primary or main memory, secondary memory has much larger capacity to store the data. Cost wise it is cheaper but it is not as fast as the Primary memory. Computer thus takes more time to retrieve data from secondary storage devices. Ex: Hard Disk, Floppy disk, CD-ROM, Magnetic tapes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Types of computers

Based on the operating principles, computers are classified into types. They are
1. DIGITAL computers
2. ANALOG computers
3. HYBRID computers

1. Digital computers
68f1bfda6a846ac8[1].jpg         Digital computers are those computers, which we see being used everywhere. These computers operate by using numbers or digits. Digital computers are useful for evaluating arithmetical expressions and manipulations of data.

            Analog computers operate by measuring rather than by counting. These are the computers, which work on discrete data or physical quantities like speed, pressure, temperature, voltage etc.

3. Hybrid Computers
LSX3CAFVJEPHCAGN19SACAK80HVTCARMH9RYCACCGU19CA7JNY91CAZPWIE1CAXZ6YDVCAGPFWSKCALWQ510CAQ0U3C2CAZC8.jpg            Computers, which combine features of both analog and digital types, are called Hybrid Computers. Here it measures first and then it converts into numbers. It is used in scientific and medical applications.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Classification Of Computers

A   Computer’s  speed  measured  in  terms  of  MIPS  that  is  million  instructions  per  second.  Based  on  the  processing  speed  and  storage  capacity  computers  are  categorized  as
1)    Micro  computer
2)    Mini computer
3)    Main frame  computer
4)    Super  computer
1)    Micro  computer :-
It  is  also  called  personal  computer  where  only  one  person  can  work  with  it.  It  is  smallest  general  purpose  processing  system.  Functionally  it  is  similar  to  that  of  any  other  large  computer  but  its  processing  speed  and  storage  capacity  is  less.
2)    Mini  computer:-
A  mini  computer  is  a  medium-sized  computer  that  is  costlier  and  more  powerful  than  a  micro  computer.  It  has  higher  processing  speed  and  storage  capacity  than  A  micro  computer.  Mini  computers  support  multiple  users  simultaneously  and  it  is  most  popular  among  the  business  organizations  today.
3)    Main  frame  computer:-
Mainframe  computers  are  much  bigger  and  faster  than  mini  and  micro computers  and  are  more  expensive.  They  support  large  number  of  terminals  for  use  by  a  variety  of  users  simultaneously.
4)    Super Computer
Super computers are the fastest computers available at any give time and are normally used to solve problems, which require intensive numerical computations. The speed of this computer is measured terms of TIPS that is Trillion Instructions Per Second.
Example: It is used in weather forecasting and in designing sup  sonic aircraft, Rocket Launching etc

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Introduction to Computers

A Computer works only when there is electric power. Computers can make decisions according to the given program only.
A Computer consists of three parts. They are
     1.        Input Devices
     2.        Processing Device (C.P.U)
     3.        Output Devices
1. Input Devices
      These are the devices used to feed data into a computer. 
Ex: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Joystick

Keyboard: It is an input device, which is similar to that of a  typewriter, plugged into the CPU by means of a wire. It has about 108 keys, which are classified into alphabetical keys, numerical keys, function keys and special keys. Each key has some specific

Mouse: It is an input device also called as a pointing device, which is used to do the    movement on the screen quickly. It has a plastic ball on its lower side and two or three buttons on the upper side.
2.  C.P.U (Central processing unit)
It is the brain of the computer. It Consists of 3 parts
1.  MU ( Memory Unit)
It is used to store the information.
2.   A. L. U (Arithmetic Logic nit)
It is used to perform mathematical operations
e + ,-, *, I etc., and logical operations like> . <, = .,
3.   C U (Control Unit)
It controls and co-ordinates all the activities of a computer.

3.   Output Device
      These are the devices used to get the processed data from the CPU.
            Eg: Monitor, Printer, Speaker.  
Monitor: It is an output device, which resembles a TV. It displays the mouse movements and the data e feed rough the keyboard. There are two types of monitors. Namely monochrome
(black and white) and color monitor.  

Printer: A printer is a output device which is use to get the print out on a paper known as hard copy. The different types of printers are Dot matrix printers, Inkjet printer, Laser printer.
Speaker: It is an output device used to get the sound or Audio 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Characteristics of a Computer

What is a Computer ?
A Computer is an electronic machine, which accepts data, processes it and produces meaningful information The data is processed according to the instructions given to the computer.
Characteristics of a Computer are: -
1. Accuracy: Computer can perform calculations and solve complex
problems accurately.
2. Speed: Computers possesses a high processing speed. Any type of work given to a computer will be performed with great speed giving perfect results. For example, if any complex calculation is given to a computer to solve, it takes a fraction of a second to perform the calculation and give you the result.
3. Storage Capacity: Computers can store large amount of data by using the storage devices like the hard disk, CD-ROM, etc.,
4. Decision-making: Computers can make decisions according to the instructions given to it.
5. Diligence :Computers can do repetitive work with out getting tired.
6. Reliable: We can rely on A computer when it is programmed correctly.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Use of Computers

People use computers in many ways. In business, computers track inventories with bar codes and scanners, check the credit status of customers, and transfer funds electronically. In homes, tiny computers embedded in the electronic circuitry of most appliances control the indoor temperature, operate home security systems, tell the time, and turn videocassette recorders (VCRs) on and off. Computers in automobiles regulate the flow of fuel, thereby increasing gas mileage, and are used in anti-theft systems. Computers also entertain, creating digitized sound on stereo systems or computer-animated features from a digitally encoded laser disc. Computer programs, or applications, exist to aid every level of education, from programs that teach simple addition or sentence construction to programs that teach advanced calculus. Educators use computers to track grades and communicate with students; with computer-controlled projection units, they can add graphics, sound, and animation to their communications Computers are used extensively in scientific research to solve mathematical problems, investigate complicated data, or model systems that are too costly or impractical to build, such as testing the air flow around the next generation of aircraft. The military employs computers in sophisticated communications to encode and unscramble messages, and to keep track of personnel and supplies.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Computer and its uses

Modem science and technology have made great stides in every a1k of life. As a result, our life is becoming richer, more comfortable and lucrative everyday. In the second half of the twentieth century e have developed new and advanced methods of communication, calculation, transportation and in the field of domestic appliances and gadget. One of them is a computer. It helps us in solving our complicated and complex mathematical problems in no time. The edit of investing the computer goes to Charles Babbage. He worked constantly and very hard to achieve this scientific feat.
The system of computer is based on made up intelligence. We d certain data in the computer, press the button and get the most rate answer. It helps man in finding future possibilities of the items developed already. These day scientists are using computers in knowing to have we can get better results for the existence of man on this et. Today, the complete tells us in advance about and earthquake, accident that takes place in the air or on the water Weather forecast are done by the computers. With the passage of time, the use of computers is multiplying. In collect data, process that and reaches at final result. It can do a figure work on a large scale. All the big concerns, big banks, LIC companies, government offices etc. use computers for their pay rolls and other figure work. The Indian railways, air traffic departments, defence establishment, UTI and other financial institutions have computerised their functions in various ions. All the rich developed and advanced countries use computers to solve their climatic, industrial, commercial financial and other complicated problems. Now in advanced and developed countries traffic ted and controlled with the help of the computers.
However, the computer cannot take the place of human train. Original thinking is done by human brain-the work which cannot be done even by a sophisticated and advanced computer. The computer gives us result only when we feed a certain date in it. A computer has no emotions and sentiments of its own. It does not generate employment. On the other hand it is feared that it would one day create unemployment.
However, computer has relieved man of many unpleasant tasks and dangerous jobs which he used to undertake in rubber factories, power and nuclear plants, dark dangerous, in coal mines under the sea water and so on. Hence its uses are varied and many.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Computer Revolution

The growth of computers in the past few years has been exponential. Computer Revolution has come upon with amazing speed. We can compare this revolution to the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution changed human society on a massive scale by introducing electricity, telephones, radio, automobiles and airplanes. The Computer Revolution also is bringing dramatic shifts in the way we live. And to use computers we no longer have to be a scientist or mathematician. All of us can use computers.
Let us understand what a computer is and how it affects our lives. A computer is a special machine that an be instructed to take in, sort, compare and process information and output the results in a useful way. A computer can make calculations far quicker than a human brain but it needs to be told what to do and to be given all the facts it requires. Computers cannot think for themselves. They can only follow instructions.
A computer is one of the most powerful forces in the society today. It's being put to use everywhere ­whether in homes or in organizations of all sizes. Computers are used for a variety of purposes including producing letters and graphs, maintaining accounts, monitoring patients in hospitals, searching for information, fly and land airplanes, run rapid transit systems, inventory management, locate oil, natural gas etc., handling money, record keeping. diagnose diseases, weather forecasting etc. The computers have thus moved into every nook and corner of our daily life. The use of computers has expanded so rapidly that their presence can no longer be ignored. Everyone needs to feel comfortable with these machines in order to function in a modern society.