Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Generation Computers (1951-1959)

ourg15bt[1].jpg            Computers invented and used between 1940 & 1955 are first Generation computers. Vacuum tubes were used in these computers). The speed of these computers was very slow and storage system was very small.
           The first general purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) and was built by, John Mauchley, and J.Presper Eckert.
             The First Generation of computers started in 1951. General features of these computers were :
1. Electronic circuitry used vacuum tubes.
2. Punched cards used to input information.
3. Magnetic tapes used for external storage.
4. Human operators had to set switches.
5. Large-size
6. Generated heat.
7. Air Conditioning required
8. Unreliable
9. Constant maintenance

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