Thursday, January 14, 2010

History Of Computers

            The history of a Computer starts with the development of a device called "Abacus" by the Chinese around 5000 years ago.., It was a wooden frame with rows of wires and beads. This was used for the systematic calculation of arithmetic operations. This calculating device was manual or non-automatic.
              Blaise Pascal invented 'Pascaline' in 1642, which was able to perform only addition and subtraction. He developed 'Ratchet Device' which is similar to a scooter speedometer.
           An English Mathematician Charles Babbage proposed 'Differential Engine' in 1821 to compute the table of numbers. In 1833, he proposed 'Analytical Engine'. It had some features of modern computers .. So Charles Babbage is known as the "Father of Modern Computer".
           Ada Augusta was the first programmer, w 0 designed programs for Babbage's Analytical engine.
           'Herman Hollerith' invented punched card tabulating machine. He was also the founder of IBM (International Business Machine)in 1924.

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