Saturday, March 6, 2010

Computer Risks for Children

            Kids and computers are nearly inseparable these days. With many school-age kids and even preschool children spending hours in front of a computer every day, it's worth considering what effects computers might have on your children's eyes and their vision. Is it bad for their eyes? Does it help or hurt school performance? Should kids wear computer glasses at school?
         These and other questions about kids, computers and computer vision are common. This article will help you learn more about these timely topics.
Computer ergonomics is the study of people's efficiency at their computer work stations. Problems with computer ergonomics are closely associated with computer vision syndrome (CVS), which can affect children as well as adults.
             But too much of anything can be a problem. Like adults, children who spend many hours in front of a computer have a greater risk of developing computer ergonomics problems and computer vision syndrome. And many eye care practitioners who specialize in children's vision believe prolonged computer use among children puts them at risk for progressive myopia.
            For these reasons, it's a good idea to set guidelines for your children when it comes to the amount of time they spend in front of a computer.
            Too much unsupervised computer work may cause vision problems for kids.

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