Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Preparing Your Child for Using Computers at School

                    To make sure your kids are ready for computer use at school, schedule a comprehensive eye exam for them prior to the start of every school year. This exam should include tests that evaluate near vision skills for computer use and reading as well as visual acuity testing that is conducted both across the room and up close.
                  Tell your eye doctor if your child has shown any signs of eye or vision problems, such as squinting, frequent eye rubbing, red eyes, head turns and other unusual postures, or if he or she complains of blurred vision or eye fatigue when reading or using a computer. Avoidance of computer work may also indicate vision problems.
                  Computers are an important (and virtually unavoidable) part of your child's life and education. A comprehensive eye exam each year during the school years can help him be as comfortable as possible and perform at his best during computer work. In some cases, a referral to a children's vision specialist and/or a program of vision therapy may be indicated to resolve computer- or learning-related vision problems.

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